Webinar – Infinicyt™ tips and tricks (2019/10/31)
October 31, 2019 @ 17:30 - 18:00 UTC+1

Infinicyt™ is a flow cytometry data analysis software that includes innovative tools for analysis, integration and interpretation. It allows to explore your data in a multivariate, standard, efficient, sensitive and reproducible way.
By attending our webinar you will learn how to:
- File Editor Profile: Edit labels and parameter order permanently in FCS files during analysis.
- Gating: 12 different ways to improve your gating: from manual to automated.
- Population Tree: Create populations, modify visibility, change order, etc.
- Diagrams: Helpful configuration options.
- Profile: How to transfer components between profiles.
- Check Performance: Quicker ways to identify issues with compensation, scatter and debris/doublets.
- Report: Faster ways to customize report components: keywords, header/footer, etc.
- And much more…