1. Are you interested in optimizing your workforce and material resources?

Today’s competitive and tangled world poses us great challenges such as optimizing our resources and efficiency while also keeping up with our work.

“I increasingly receive more and more samples but there is no more personnel or material resources.”

2. Would you like to obtain more reproducible and comparable results?

Intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility allows optimum comparison of results and quality assessment processes not only among time but also among different instruments and centers.

3. Would you like to reduce your results-interpretation doubts by introducing small changes in methodology?

Minimizing subjectivity and introducing automation in data analysis greatly increases the efficiency and standardization of analysis, even for those users with limited expertise and knowledge.

4. Do you want to get continuous practical and theoretical training for your team?

It is very difficult to stay updated on the last scientific and practical knowledge during our day-to-day routine and work.

“People, our greatest value.”

5. Are you ready for lab accreditation and certification?

Lab accreditation is necessary for succesful and proven implementation of flow cytometry as a decision-making technique, which can be useful for diagnosis and monitoring of different diseases. Such accreditation or certification systems allow accurate assessment of the quality and reproducibility of the analysis at different levels: sample handling, processing, data analysis…

At Cytognos we have developed a complete solution aimed at the achievement of a high-quality and standardized workflow that can be implemented at any laboratory independently of your location, objectives and available resources, in order to fulfill your needs and reach your goals.

Our state-of-the-art methodology is based on the scientific knowledge originated from our collaboration with various scientific leaders and experts all around the world, such as the EuroFlow™ Consortium (Learn more about the EuroFlow™ consortium here).

Depending on your objectives and the clinical applications you want to establish we will provide you with the required information, knowledge, and customized advise about the products that better adapt to your individual needs.

Let us know about your laboratory, your needs, pitfalls you are facing and the next objective you would like to achieve, and we will be glad to get to know you and walk this path with you.

“Embrace Next Generation Flow™”

Know more about Next Generation Flow™

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Next Generation Flow™ solution for Oncohematology

Next Generation Flow™ solution for Immunology

Next Generation Flow™ solution for Clinical trials