Webinar – Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Mobius Life Science and Cytognos – (2020/06/10) – 11:00 AM GMT-3
June 10, 2020

In collaboration with Mobius Life Science, our partner in Brazil, we are pleased to host a 1-hour webinar covering the basics of Infinicyt™ software.
Join us to discover Infinicyt™, the flow cytometry data analysis software that allows to explore your data in multivariate, standard, efficient, sensitive and reproducible way.
By attending this webinar you will learn how to:
- Navigate the software interface
- Set up your analysis template
- Look at the immunophenotype of your target population on different graphs
- Discriminate between different populations through multidimensional analysis (APS Diagram)
- Set a population as a Reference Image for comparison
Speaker: Ana Catarina Bento, Product Specialist, Cytognos S.L.